Disk Cleaner

The functions of Disk Cleaner include:

Fast & Safe CleanUp


Clean rapidly the recycle, IE temporary folder, IE history folder and WINDOWS temporary folder to free more disk space.

How to Use

  1. Select the folders to clean. To select a folder for cleaning, click the box on a item in the list.
  2. Click on the "Clear Now" button.


Clean Junk and Obsolete Files


Most of your Windows applications temporarily create several files on your hard drive when they are running. These files are supposed to be removed and the space recovered after these programs are closed. Often, however, they don't because of a program error, sloppy architecture, your system is reset or not shut down properly, or if another application locks up or crashes. Any file that is left behind in this manner will remain on your system unless you manually search for it and remove it. Over time, these junk and obsolete files can accumulate to megabytes of wasted hard drive space, as well as turn into potential error-producing cross-linked drive references.

Super Utilities targets these specific types of files which are missed by common disk utilities, un-install, "Defrag", "Scandisk", and other standard "cleaner" type programs.

How to Use

  1. Select Drivers or folders to scan:
  2. Click "Options..." button to set scan and remove options.
  3. Click "Scan" button to Scan Garbage files.
  4. Click "Remove" button to remove Garbage files.


Temporary Internet Files Clean


During surfing Internet, many Address Files (URL), Cookie Files and History Files probably remained in your computer. Many of Those files are probably not necessary to you, thus if need more disk space, you can consider to delete them.

How to Use

  1. Select the file types to scan.
  2. Click the "Scan" button and list all files.
  3. Click the "Remove" button to Delete the Selected files and click the "Remove all" button to delete all files in the list.